Monday, July 14, 2014

Clipart has arrived!

I have been itching to say this... years, actually.  I have made my first clipart set.  

You don't know how excited I am for this.

I love to draw, color, doodle, etc.  I have an unhealthy obsession with fonts and clipart.  I have to redo things at school because I think they are ugly.  Yes, I said it... ugly.  But I've always wanted to do my own clipart.  And today, I have!

I've never taken any graphic design classes, or art classes, for that matter.  Everyone in my family is artsy... and I really thought that gene had passed me by.  Well, some may argue that it has, but I'm really enjoying this creative output.  So, I'm sharing with my wonderful followers my first attempt at clipart.  

I need a good name/brand for my clipart because I'm thinking about adding some to my store... any suggestions??

No credit is needed to use these, feel free to use in personal or TPT/TN items.  Right click and save as to have on your computer.   Let me know if you use them, or if you have any requests!


  1. So cute!! Thank you!
    I have no ideas for a name -- I am not so clever with that kind of stuff . . .

  2. I understand the obsession of adding clip art and changing fonts on things. That is what I'm known for at my school :-) I even add clip art and change the fonts on my sub plans! Your first set of clip art is ADORABLE!! I don't have any name suggestions, but it looks great, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with. I wish I had the ability to draw!

  3. Very cute......since your blog uses the word about Optic Art?
    Second In Line

  4. I'm happy to credit you if I use these in a product! Good job :-)
    I've wanted to make clip art for a veerrryyyy long time, too. What program did you use?
    Chrissy at ReadWriteSing

  5. Id love to know your program too. Very cute. I have ideas for sets to sell if you're interested - email me! You are talented. Don't sell yourself short!

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