Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful for you

This is my 100th post.

Didn't think I'd ever get this far or keep up with this blog.  It's become a way to share my thoughts and feelings, frustrations and celebrations.  I feel it's very fitting that two days before Thanksgiving I write my 100th post and tell you all...

from The Daily Digi
Last night I received a blessing from several people about the struggles I was facing.  People that I only know through a computer reached out to share their concerns, relate their own struggles, or just to offer up a prayer or two.  That meant so much to me.  This community of teacher bloggers is AWESOME!  I am thankful for each and every one of you!

I found out this morning that my rain shower isn't over yet...  I'm getting a challenging new student on Monday, the same day we have a walk through from the Department of Education.  Yay.... I know God doesn't give you more than you can handle, so hopefully this kiddo (and parent) will not be the behavior challenge everyone is telling me it will be... hard to believe as I saw the family sitting in the office, but I'll be optimistic.  And pray over the next few days...that my medication doesn't run out and will work in my time of need!

Again, thank you for being awesome followers and for your kind thoughts.  Happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. The last year and a half were an absolute struggle for my husband and me. Some days I barely was able to keep moving. On top of it all I had the most troubled student in the school AND his mom works in the school! I learned two things: (1.) People say "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." But I learned that He prepares you to handle what is to come. (2.) Make your life more than school. Make it rich, filled with love and laughter and diversion. You will make it!

  2. Praying the Serenity Prayer for you today. Surround that new student with nurturing and love and it will work out. Happy Thanksgiving.


  3. Congratulations on your 100th blog post! :) Your new kiddo will be lucky to have you... hang in there!
