Saturday, January 21, 2012

Productive Saturday

Well my dear blogland friends, it's Saturday night, and this wild and crazy momma is out having a blast.  Yup, I totally just folded laundry, washed my sheets and made my bed, graded a few papers, and finished up a unit on two step word problems.  Watch out world!  

I'm really excited about my new unit because my own dear momma, who is a 5th grade teacher, gave me the idea.  If you'd like to check out some February themed two-step word problems, head on over to my TPT store and check it out.  ('s only a dollar!).

And if you wondered "Why did that poor momma let her daughter go into teaching?"

She tried to stop me.  But I'm as stubborn (if not more so) than she is.

AND I'm reaping that 10 fold because my husband, who is also a stubborn MULE, has included his stubborness in the gene pool and my precious daughter is going to be a stubborn-combo-migraine-momma doesn't have a chance in this world child :)  but I love her for it too!  I lovingly call her an Irish Norwegian because she has my Irish temper and her daddy's Norwegian looks (she's a fair, blonde haired blue eyed BEAUTY).  There's probably not a drop of either Irish nor Norwegian in her, but it's fun to say :)

This is just rambling from one thought to the other, isn't it!  I apologize for my randomness but appreciate if you have read this, to congratulate those who read (my principal does this in her emails...only it's a picture or quote or something....I'm doing something much cooler!)  The first 3 people to comment AND leave their email addresses will get my two step word problem activity emailed to them :)  Yay!  I just hope you'll like it!

Thanks for listing dear friends...I'll try to have something more educational to say next time so you don't feel like you've wasted two minutes of your life reading nothing :)


  1. I get it girl! I'm Lebanese and my husband is Italian...our daughters don't stand a chance!
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  2. Oooo, a girl can't have too many activities - thanks!

    gruenergang (at)

  3. I had a wild and crazy Sat. night too! Hubs went out {I didn't feel like going} so my dad came and picked me up, and I watched a movie with my parents and brother! Now I'm back home, doing laundry and blog stalking :)

    PS: Thanks for visiting me! I just checked & I reached 400!!!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  4. Ha ha. You pretty much described my Saturday night too:)

    Grade ONEderful
