Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Can we say countdown?

The countdown is on.  On like DONKEY KONG!

Anyone else feel like they're fighting a losing battle?  Cause this girl does.  Next Tuesday can't get here quickly enough.  Although....{happy dance!} I am taking off Friday to take little girl for a checkup and me for a checkup....darn if it didn't fall on a Friday {wink!} So two more days for me this week.  Just have to write sub plans which I absolutely HATE.  Can't they just read my mind?? :)

My kiddos just finished their first big writing project of the year.  We have really been working hard to learn how to write sentences with a capital letter AND the correct endmark AND have it make sense AND not a run-on that has about 50 ANDS in it like this sentence does.  Thanks to all of my many hours on pinterest and blog hopping, I found a really, really, reallllllly cute writing activity - Reindeer Job Application from What the Teacher Wants and the kiddos were so excited to actually get to work on all of the steps to the writing process.  They even got to "conference" with *gasp* "the Teacher" before they wrote their final draft.  I took pictures but my phone just died and I won't can't get up to get the charger to get the pics off my phone.  I'll post them tomorrow along with some of their qualifications. Some of them are pretty darn cute....swift like an eagle is one I remember off the top of my frazzled head.  I was very proud of their hard work.  AND.....I've gotten lots of compliments on their work.  That never hurts either :)

So, until tomorrow my dearies :)

Hang in there.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog : )

    YES, the countdown is on! The kids seem so restless! And I've been sick for a week......I'm so over it all! Ready for a break!


    Tales from a Traveling Teacher
